Not My Data. Our Data.

Since everything here is open source, I encourage others to contribute corrections, additions or revisions they think will help make the shared data more accessible.

If the project is on GitHub (e.g. OpenSCAD files), you can contribute there directly. For design contributions, you can remix the designs on MakerWorld directly. If you create a new design related to something I have shared—like a holder or mounting solution that is not just a remix, but more of an accessory—please submit it below so I can include the change inline with the rest of the corresponding information.

There are two main categories of contributions per the forms below:

  1. Additions
  2. Corrections

Please submit additions and corrections separately using the appropriate form below.


Please use this form to submit proposals for information that should be added to a given data set. Suggested additions may apply to data provided on the website directly, in documents or on remote pages like MakerWorld listing descriptions. You can submit as many forms as you would like; if you have a pre-compiled list, please use a single submission form. Please submit additions and corrections separately using the appropriate form. You can also attach files if you have a “track changes” document, a digital manual with said information or other documents that support the change(s) you are suggesting.

Please note there is no guarantee your information will be added, but if it aligns with the intent of the existing data, I will try to integrate it as seamlessly as possible to retain the display motif of the original information.


Please use this form to submit feedback about corrections to grammar, spelling, data or other mechanical issues. These may be on the website, in documents or on remote pages like MakerWorld listing descriptions. You can submit as many forms as you would like; if you have a pre-compiled list, please use a single submission form. Please submit additions and corrections separately using the appropriate form. You can also attach files if you have a “track changes” document, a digital manual with substantiation or other documents that support the change(s) you are suggesting.

Because these are more cosmetic changes, I will prioritize them and try to implement them ASAP.


Since I’m running this website independently, I have decided to manually integrate submissions from this page. There’s no perfect way to do this; I could allow people to edit pages directly, but that would entail learning WordPress, its respective plugins and design principles I have chosen to employ throughout the site.

As much as I would love to let others edit the resources directly, I believe user editing is best used within existing infrastructures like GitHub and MakerWorld—which each have a specific purpose in mind. For everything else, I have created the forms above because I know I’m not perfect, nor do I purport myself to be perfect. Therefore, I’m relying on you, as part of the community, to help. I’ve shared as much information as I currently have, but there’s always more to share, and I’m merely a single person with so many hours in a day.

I will prioritize corrections over additions, since they’re more “cosmetic”; a correction simply enhances existing information.

For additions, please include as much information as possible about the exact data you want to see: supporting documents, literature, data points or anything else that will make a case to include the data in a data set. If there is no included data about the pool you’d like to see—e.g. just a request to add more information without you providing that information—the probability I will pursue acquisition of such data is low. Therefore, please do the legwork and provide as much information as possible if you are requesting changes.

Finally, if you do not feel comfortable submitting your contribution through a webform, you can email me directly instead.


Once you submit data, the community owns it—not you, not me nor any individual. Per my open source licenses, the information belongs to everybody and therefore must continuously be posted and shared with everybody. I believe that, together, we can create large data sets and improvements over time that make a significant difference.


Those who submit data through the forms above can opt-in to being credited for their contributions. Granting permission to be credited does not guarantee credit will be posted publicly.

The data on this website has been provided by a community of individuals, including:

[Contributor names will be listed here in the order they contribute.]